Tokyo Iced Grape 60ml
Tokyo Iced Grape e-juice is a cool, breezy vape with a floral, purifying ginger undertone. This e-juice will bring back the greatest summertime memories because to its cool menthol and reviving grape flavour. Tokyo Iced Grape 60ml is an e-liquid that tastes like chewy grape candies with a wintry finish that uses energizing menthol to awaken the senses. This vape is undoubtedly for individuals who enjoy a light and airy vaping experience. your room obviously smells like grapes thanks to the soft, delicious grape scent that is released on exhalation.
You almost want to chew Tokyo Grape E-Liquid and blow a menthol since it has such a killer flavour that tastes so authentic and fruity! Experience the crisp, ice-cold blast of a flawless, delicious purple grape.
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